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​關於台妹雜貨舖 About Twn Girls Shop

我們是一群住在澳洲的妹子,因為在澳洲買不到適合的內衣,還是台灣內衣好。所以我們從台灣進口全程MIT製造的內衣到澳洲與無法回家的姊妹們分享。也進口一些台灣小物,台灣茶葉、蜜餞、黑糖飲品等,支持台灣小農與中小企業。We are Taiwanese girls whom live in Australia. It's hard to find the comfy bra and underwear in Australia. We import the Made in Taiwan bra and underwear to Australia for fit more Asian female in Australia. We also import other products for support Taiwanese small business, famer. 

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